



 ♪ 你曾劝比尔·盖茨捐点 ♪ ♪You talked Bill Gates out if a few♪ ♪ 他来之不易的零头钱 ♪ ♪hard-earned simoleons,♪ ♪ 在非洲人身上随便做实验 就说是所谓的研究 ♪ ♪to do a so-called study where you cut some Africans.♪ ♪ 不用怀疑 ♪ ♪But it"s still clear that♪ ♪ 戴套依然最安全 ♪ ♪condoms are the best form of prevention.♪ ♪ 如今你们失败了 又让谁来安抚生气的男人? ♪ ♪Now that you"ve failed, who will heal those angry man?♪ ♪ 只要拉一拉 我的包皮就会长回来 ♪ ♪I"m gonna tug and grow my foreskin back again.♪ ♪ 只要拉一拉 我的包皮就会长回来 ♪ ♪I"m gonna tug and grow my foreskin back again.♪ 韩国导演奉俊昊的作品 获 92 届奥斯卡最佳影片 最佳导演 最佳国际影片 最佳原创剧本四项大项 获得最佳影片奖后 特朗普曾在贬低此片时称"《乱世佳人》是一部完美的电影" 纽约市布鲁克林区东南部的主要居民区 ♪ 多希望爸妈当初 懂得起来反抗 ♪ ♪I wish my parents had defied conformity,♪ ♪ 让留有欢愉的我 能感觉到它滑动 ♪ ♪Preserved my pleasure part so I could feel it glide.♪ ♪ 自残阻止不了性病 ♪ ♪That amputation won"t prevent an STD,♪ ♪ 婴儿明明好得很 ♪ ♪and infants aren"t at risk.♪ ♪ 为什么要偷走他自己选择的权利? ♪ ♪Why steal his right to decide?♪ ♪ 我要的不多 ♪ ♪I don"t want much,♪ ♪ 只是想要包皮再回来 ♪ ♪just want my foreskin back again.♪ ♪ 不 我并没有说太多 ♪ ♪No, it"s not TMI.♪ ♪只与你分享 因为我们是朋友 ♪ ♪I shared it "cause we"re friends.♪ ♪ 爸妈选了起点 但我将决定终点 ♪ ♪My parents chose this road, but I"ll choose where it ends.♪ ♪ 难道我不应得吗? ♪

 ♪Don"t I deserve it all?♪ ♪ 定会长回来 ♪ ♪Gonna grow it back again,♪ ♪ 长回来 ♪ ♪grow it back again.♪ ♪ 我会修好我自己 ♪ ♪I"m gonna fix me.♪ ♪ 慢慢来急不得 明年今日长一寸 ♪ ♪It"s gonna take some time, but I can grow an inch a year.♪ 之后 约翰·威尔逊将带来 餐费 分摊 指南 约翰·威尔逊 生活指南 你好啊 纽约 Hey, New York. 如果你像我一样 If you"re like me, 你的宠物正逐步 缓慢地拆解 your pet slowly destroys every 你带进公♥寓♥的每一件家具… single piece of furniture that you bring inside of your apartment. 她叫宝宝… This is Baby, 好一个邪恶的小坏蛋 and she is a vicious little rascal 有着一对好斗的小爪子 that aggressively claws 还… and, um, 在我所有东西上呕吐过 vomits on everything I own. 这让我很难置办些好东西 This makes it hard to shop for anything nice. 因为可以肯定的是 Because it"s guaranteed that I 我那些新家具的存活期限… won"t be able to preserve my furniture 最多几个月吧

 for longer than a couple of months. 是有好些方法能阻止你的猫 There"s a bunch of things you could do to deter your cat 继续破坏你的东西 from defiling your stuff, 但大多会带来… 复杂的结果 but a lot of them have mixed results. 你可以尝试将柑橘类的水果涂到家具上 You could try to coat your furniture in citrus, 据说猫很讨厌… 这种味道 which cats, uh, supposedly hate. 但如果你也碰巧讨厌柠檬的味道… But if you also hate the smell of lemon 这可能对你俩都是煎熬 this can be a cruel punishment for the both of you. 你可以尝试在它最爱挠的区域贴上胶布 You can try putting tape over their favorite areas. 但这也可能导致毛小孩们… But this may end up causing the animal to 转而破坏你家具上那些… relocate to new areas on your furniture 没贴胶布的地方 that aren"t covered in tape. 你可以搞来个猫抓柱… You can try getting a scratching pole 但小家伙可能… 碰都不想碰 but they might not end up using it at all. 但也没关系 因为你可以随时把它当作… But that"s okay, because you can always turn it into 帽架 a hat rack… 一个帽架 A hat rack. 如果以上的方法都行不通 So, if none of these options work, 你发现自己只是数着日子… and you find yourself just counting down the days 等着你俩其中一个先离世 until one of you passes away, 家具套可能是你最好的选择了 furniture covers might be your best bet.

 坐稳了 小混♥蛋♥ So buckle up, buster, 这将会是一场 because things are about to get 湿湿… pretty wet, 史诗之旅 pretty wild. 在当代 很多人觉得 Now, a lot of people think that 塑料的家具套丑爆了 plastic furniture covers are unsightly 会因为你做了覆膜 嚼你舌根 and will judge you for your choice. 所以 在追悔莫及之前… So, before you do anything you might regret, 你需要先对自己的品味 uh, first you"re gonna need to be confident 有点信心 in your sense of taste. 每个人都觉得自己有好品味 Everyone likes to think that they have good taste, 但 这怎么可能 but this is impossible, 因为"品味好"的存在 是需要"品味差"来反衬的 because you can"t have good taste without bad taste. 你觉得美好的东西 What is beautiful to you 别人可能难以忍♥受 might be revolting to someone else. 而且 "品味好"跟"品味差"是几乎不可能… And it"s almost impossible for good and bad taste to 和谐共存的 peacefully coexist. 这样看起来 使用塑料家具套的人… This is what makes people who use plastic covers, 还真是珍稀物种呐 uh, such a rare breed. 他们所买♥♥的一件品味极佳的家具 They buy very dignified furniture, 价位赶得上整间展厅 乃至整座博物馆了

 worthy of a showroom or a museum, 但为了延续高级家具的寿命… but in order to extend its life, 他们选择给家具做覆膜的材料却是… have decided to cover it with one of the most inelegant materials 最不入人… 众人之眼的 known to man-- humankind. 但同时 But at the same time, 如果生活方式已经沦落到… any lifestyle depraved enough 需要永久性的防护罩 来避免泼洒的话… to require a permanent shield against liquids 也挺值得尊重的 is worthy of respect. 这块塑料套已经包了 This plastic covering has been on here 40 年了 从未被拆开过 for 40 straight years. Never been off, ever. 40 年? -40 年 Forty years? -Forty years. 看起来的确保护得非常好 It does look like it"s in very good condition. 这块也包了塑料 -塑料包在这里 This has plastic too. -This has plastic here. 但上面什么也没包 But there"s nothing on top over here. 不会感到紧张吗? You don"t feel anxious, 坐在没覆膜的沙发上 um, sitting on the couch without any covers? 我不会 因为她在上面还套了… I don"t, because she put the, uh, 沙发套 the slipcover on. 当然不会 -坐在上面整个就… Yeah, no. -It"s just that it"s… 非常服帖 -当然不啦 pretty worn in. -Yeah, no. (外语)


 这套家具是从哪买♥♥来的? Where"d you get this furniture? 这是我们从意大利定制的 We got it special made. It came from Italy. 这套来自意大利? The furniture is from Italy? 是啊 -是的 Yeah. -Yeah. 听起来就非常贵 That sounds expensive. 记得有个夏天 我就坐在这里… There was a summer, I was eating-- 我坐在这里吃一桶… I sat here eating a tub of 咖啡雪糕 coffee ice cream, 结果被我… and I 被我弄洒在了家具上 I spilled it on the furniture. 你呢? 你在这打翻过什么东西? What about you? What have you spilled here? 我可没打翻过东西 Oh I have never spilled anything. 是真的吗? -是的 Oh, really? -Yeah. 我超小心的呢 I"m very careful. 最重要的只有一件事 The single most important thing 就是对家具的保护 is the protection of the furniture. 这样我们的家具可能一直保存 So we can have furniture that we can keep for 50 年都不会坏 40, 50 years! 我打赌如果把其中一个套子拆开 肯定还… I bet if we take one of these off, you know, these would be 里面还会是全新的 brand new under there. 可以啊 我不介意 上面有拉链方便你拆开的

 Yeah, I don"t mind. They-- they have zippers, like you can remove it. 都来看看哈 Let"s see. 莫娜 小心点 -嗯嗯 Mona, be careful. -Mm-hmm. 一尘不染! Not even a speck of dust! 看吧! See! 上一次你们这样直接坐在上面… The last time you sat on that was 有 20 年了吧? 20 years ago? 哇噢 这真的是… -我吗? 是的大概 20 年了 Wow, this is-- -Me? Yeah, about 20 years ago. 很有风险呐 -坐下 拉拉 This is risky. -Sit, Lala. 拉酱最乖啦! -哇 Good girl! -Oh, wow. 别太习惯哟 Don"t get used to it. 看起来你们已经想明白了 这是件好事 Seems like you guys got it figured out. This is nice. 我觉得… I feel-- 这是什么? Oh, what is that? 我看到一小块缺口 -不是吧! I see a little chip. -Oh, no! 这是刚刚撞到的吗? -糟了! Did that just happen? -Oh, no. 看起来 多数人把他们的家具包起来… It seems like most people cover their furniture 为的是让家具保持崭新的状态 to make sure it stays in mint condition. 所以如果你的家当早已破烂不堪 So, if your stuff is already trashed, 你需要先买&hes;♥真的值得维护的好家具 you"ll need to start by buying something that"s worth preserving. 幸好 纽约有着上百万张椅子… Thankfully, New York has millions of seats

 可供挑选 to choose from. 这座城市就是座饱藏"奇异"风情的椅子们的妓院 This city is a brothel of exotic chairs, 一旦你回看市场 and once you"re finally back in the market, 你就会发现每一个妖艳贱♥货♥ uh, you"ll notice that each one is 都在拼命地引诱你 desperately trying to seduce you. 一旦你找到某件 值得好好维护的家具 So once you find a piece of furniture that"s worthy of preserving, 快速地检查一下 just do a very

 有没有臭虫 以防万一 quick bedbug check, uh, just in case, 走到收银处 结账就对了 and go to the cashier and ring it up. 然后你要把它一路推到塑封店 And then you"re gonna roll it straight to the plastic cover store. 然后把它交给要为你处理的师♥傅♥ And hand it off to the guy who"s gonna make it for you. 这是 16 号♥塑料 This is a 16-gauge plastic. 16 号♥ 这是有多厚? -是啊 Sixteen gauge, so how thick is that? -Yeah. 这 这个厚度… That"s-- That"s the thickness of… 就是塑料厚度 of the plastic. 你觉得做完之后 看起来会怎么样? How do you think this is gonna look with it? 看起来会超酷的 This is gonna look dope. 酷 Cool. 你包自己家里的家具吗? Do you cover your own furniture at home? 不包 No. 他们制♥作♥的每一张膜都是独一无二的

 Every cover they make is one of a kind, 塑料会像合身的手套那样跟椅子严丝合缝 and the plastic should fit your chair like a glove. 严丝合缝啊 兄弟! Like a glove, bro! 所以 在你推回家之后 So, after you roll it home, 找几个… get a couple of 苗条… thin 但热心的朋友… but kind friends 来帮你把椅子搬上楼 to-- to help you move it up the stairs. 但当你终于把它整进你的公♥寓♥后 But when you finally get it into your apartment, 与你的其他家当相伴 它可能会显得有些古怪 it may look a little weird next to all your other stuff. 尽管你早就幻想… And despite the fantasy you"ve always had, 把辣椒酱倒在沙发上 the thrill of pouring salsa on it, 但这样的快♥感♥ 几周之后也就消退 wears off after a few weeks. 甚至就连你的房♥东 也觉得这个包膜很赞 And even if your landlord thinks the covers are nice… 这张沙发用塑料覆膜了 This one"s covered in plastic. 赞欸 Nice. 朋友们仍然可能忍♥...

推荐访问:to with John Wilson《约翰·威尔逊十万个怎么做(2020)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 约翰 怎么做 威尔